Friday, 19 April 2024

Review - The Fall Is All There Is by C.M Caplan


Cover - The Fall Is All There Is by C.M Caplan

Review - The Fall Is All There Is (Four of Mercies Book 1) by C.M Caplan

In this book, we follow the story of Petre Mercy, a member of a royal family in a setting that resembles a possible future Earth. Petre is part of a family dynasty that was begun by a cruel father, and he and his siblings must find their separate ways forward after the king's death. The story is told in the first person, from the viewpoint of Prince Petre, an authentically portrayed (high-functioning) autistic character, who has run away from his family background. 

The setting is that of a world recovering from several waves of scientific advances then 'annihilations'. Cyborg animals like horses are organically grown, then mechanically implanted with clockwork-style technology. This hybrid, fantastical technology co-exists with a social structure like that of the feudal houses of Europe. The air surrounding recent battles or places of death is possessed by 'gaunts', ghosts that may infect ordinary people. These atmospheric details are some of my favourite parts of the book (although I was left wishing there were more).

The main character, Petre, struggles with his neuro-divergent condition and his own limitations. He tries to resist 'stimming' in order to blend in with others; he is hyper-sensitive and sounds like fingernails drumming make him experience a 'sensory nightmare'; he hyperfocuses on mundane details like a cut on skin; and he must often retreat from too much stimulus. Petre must take regular, chemical injections to increase his reflexes, strength and capabilities and help with 'fitting in'. He is flagrantly bisexual and finds it hard to control and resist his impulses. 

The plot of the story mainly revolves around Petre's dealings with his siblings. Edgar is shown to be a shady, manipulative, Machiavellian character who tries to lure Petre into his custody. The split between Petre and his brother is a shocking one in the early part of the book. Anoise is the new heir to the throne, the oldest, and is trying to find a way past her own inexperience and cautious nature and to retain her grip on newfound power. Desmon is the diplomat, and ultimately proves himself courageous in a difficult journey with his brother.

We see how the others around Petre deal with him and his condition. Some treat it as something to step around; Edgar falsely offers to embrace Petre's nature; while his mother is cold and critical. He relates how she would 'get scornful and start talking about the autism. The way she wished that she could cure it, the way it was hurting everyone around me'. This was a convincing and sympathetic portrayal of family life for someone with a disorder.

Some parts of the novel did not work for me: I thought a lot of the long, drawn-out dialogues had a sensational tone (although this probably again reflects overly Petre's sensitive nature). The author himself, with the story, shows some of the traits of the main character: indulgently focusing on some things (like descriptions of rats in the dark), and an impulse to keep holding up the awkwardness of prolonged dialogue.

However, these are small things and it's overall a promising book. The last quarter of the book has a gripping journey, a wicked betrayal and begins development of the military conflict. If the next book can carry out the kind of tight story of that quarter, I'll look forward to the next volume.

Rating: 3 stars (out of 5)


Friday, 12 April 2024

Review - The Wickwire Watch by Jacquelyn Hagen


Review - The Wickwire Watch by Jacquelyn Hagen (Riverfall Chronicles #1)

I finished this book today as part of my ongoing mission to get through more of the SPFBO 9 competition finalist novels. Although I find myself a bit late to reviewing this novel (there are already two sequels out at the time of writing), it's better late than never to write a review.

The setting of this one resembles mid-to-late 19th century Europe, with some subtly defined steampunk elements lurking in the background. After a historical incident in which an important leader was murdered, there is a rift left between the the two main peoples of the story: the Cassians, who rely on mundane technology, engineering and science; and the Entrians, an aloof, erudite people who wield the powers of mysterious magic. 

Inkwell, the most important main character, is a young teenage orphan who has escaped an orphanage when he encounters a group of refugees, the Colonists. He meets them while fleeing a strange happening while investigating an abandoned house, and has discovered an arcane artifact, a pocket watch. From there, he is taken to the hidden, floating community of the Colonists, Riverfall. Here we are introduced to a variety of characters, and Ink comes to question the dire accusations that have previously been made against the Colonists, while he also becomes part of their village. 

I found the characters in Riverfall well-defined, and we get to hear the secrets of Delia, Simon, Erving and others. There are some sections while in Riverfall that resemble a cozy fantasy atmosphere: this is nothing to change or lower the quality of story, but a reader has to be prepared to take on a great slowing of the pace in these domestic sequences. Ink is gradually absorbed into the community of Riverfall, despite his long-held suspicious nature, and he ponders a lot on the reliability of "the truth" as many have understood it. Caradoc is the heroic, strong-willed leader that the Colonists rely on because of a magical attribute he possesses, and Ink finds himself coming to trust him more and more. 

However, things greatly change in the second half of the novel when Inkwell learns more of the secrets and nature of the Spektors, a group of ghostly, cursed creatures who have been pursuing him. I found this latter half more interesting, since the exposition was now over and Ink becomes involved in several escapades that make him question the truths he has understood once more. He must decide whether to believe Caradoc, Seherene (a dedicated Entrian hunter of the Colonists), or a Spektor he finds was once his relative. We see Caradoc exposed as more of a flawed, realistic character, and Ink negotiating his way through the uncertain waters of events.

This was an enjoyable novel, although it was odd to find myself liking the character details and verbal interactions on Riverfall while also being impatient for some more action to commence. Inkwell is a colourful, unpredictable Artful Dodger character and there were some clever fantasy touches. We are left wondering what deal he has worked out with Seherene to continue, and what his agenda will be going forward, and if he can get away with it. The path is open for the sequels, and I hope personally to see more of the steampunk background and elusive, Entrian magic.

Rating: 4 stars (out of 5)
